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Privacy Notice

Southpointe Academy (also referred to as “Southpointe”, “the School”, “we”, or “us”) is an independent preparatory school in Tsawwassen, British Columbia serving grades K to 12. 
学校遵守不列颠哥伦比亚省个人信息保护法(“BC PIPA”)关于个人信息的管理. 我们亦遵守加拿大反滥发讯息法例(" CASL "),以便透过电子讯息与个人互动.

Personal Information Definition
According to BC PIPA, 个人信息是指除全球最大的博彩公司信息外,有关可识别个人的记录信息.
作为招生或晋升查询的一部分提交的联系信息, 电子邮件通信或工作申请被视为个人联系信息,并将受BC PIPA和CASL中规定的任何隐私要求的约束.

  • when members of the public visit the School’s website;
  • 当学校与家庭或未来家庭沟通时;
  • 当个人申请学校的工作、志愿工作或理事会职位时.

At Southpointe, 我们重视您的隐私,我们的首要任务是保护您的个人信息,并确保这些信息不会被用于或共享于本隐私声明中未述及的任何目的. 

Personal Information Collection and Use

Website inquiries about Admissions 
我们收集家长的姓名、电子邮件地址、学生的姓名和学校的年级. 我们使用这些信息来回复家长有关Southpointe的详细信息, the school grade parents are inquiring about.

Website inquiries about Advancement
We collect name, 电子邮件地址和具体的查询细节,以便通过电子邮件提供回复.

Email communications
学校会收集准家长和现任家长的电邮地址,以作电邮通讯之用. Prospective parents receive relevant information about Southpointe. For current parents, email is the chosen way to stay informed about news, events, and everyday requirements in our students’ academic life.
We request explicit consent to receive email communications. 

Student records
The information we collect includes student and parents’ names, student date of birth, home phone number, home email, parents’ occupation, parents’ work phone, student current grades if available.

Job application
We will collect contact information as well as qualifications, 申请人的个人简历和推荐信. 我们将使用这些信息来评估申请人所申请职位的相关经验,以及他们与学院的契合度.

Website statistics and analytics, including cookies
For this purpose, we collect location, IP address, device information, and browsing activities while on the website. 这些信息有助于我们优化网站的内容和格式,以便更好地为您服务.
我们也使用cookie在第三方网站上做广告. 数字广告网站访问这些cookie是为了有效地接触到我们网站以外的适当受众.

Social media interactions
请注意,当你通过社交媒体与学校互动时, for example Facebook or Instagram, 这些社交平台收集诸如年龄之类的人口统计信息, gender, and interests. 我们无法获取这些信息,也无法出于任何目的对其进行监控.
请确保您没有提供不必要的个人信息或其他任何人的信息,如姓名, email address, or phone numbers through your social media posts.

Personal Information Disclosure
Southpointe does not sell, rent, trade, 或以其他方式将我们向您收集的任何个人信息披露给本隐私声明中未指明的第三方.

The School only discloses your personal information when:

  • 我们明确请求您的同意,允许我们在特定情况下与第三方共享您的个人信息.
  • 我们与代表我们托管或处理数据的服务提供商合作. 我们只允许与同意满足严格数据保护要求的服务提供商共享信息.
  • 我们认为披露个人信息对于调查是必要的, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, 或对学院或任何与学院有关系的个人的潜在威胁.
  • 出于法律原因,我们被迫披露个人信息,而无需征得您的同意, such as court orders.

Personal Information Storage and Transfer

Personal Information Safeguarding
The School has implemented physical, electronic, 以及程序保障措施,以保护我们存储您个人信息的系统和位置,防止未经授权的访问, use, or disclosure. 
Please note that Internet data transmissions, whether wired or wireless, cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, Southpointe无法确保您在我们网站上提供的表格之外以电子方式传输给我们的数据的安全性,并且对任何盗窃行为概不负责, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, loss, alteration, or destruction of data by a party that may intercept the data. 我们鼓励您不要通过电子邮件或任何其他您的个人信息没有得到适当保护的媒介分享个人信息.

Contact Us
If you have any further questions, concerns, or requests related to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us at